Influence authentic affectivities
One does not easily get reed of several tens of years of assiduous and exclusive frequentation of the intellect, of cold and agreed objectivity of the sciences and techniques, especially when they were loved, with some sincerity.
It is easier, to thwart the traps and logics of these idols, when you have the chance to be in contact with authentic individuals, who can as well be simple and rustic people or even accomplished artists.
Then it becomes to be merry, though sometimes difficult and painful, and maybe risky, to authorize myself to let me be penetrated and carried by their influences.
Thus, my work evolves to a less representative and realistic vision, leaving a freer place to the abstraction.
This process is rather slow, I benefit from the influence of my surroudings, my neighbors, collegues and friends. I sigularly appreciate the kind pressure frome Claude Blanc-Brude (painter, artistic director of ACDA association), together with the the abunding example and the unreasonnable wisdom of Isabelle Peugnet (painter, friend and neighbor). The energy radiated from Anne-Cécile Allegre enlightens my way by the sparks escaped from her overflowing life.