Professional course - Since 2003
The year 2003 is the materialization of the decision (taken more than 5 years before) to make a living from the ceramic.
I began with a year of professional training in ceramics at the "Maison de la Terre" at Dieulefit (Drôme, south of France, nowadays known as "Maison de la Céramique").
This training also meant the official announcement of my future départure from my previous job and colleagues.
However, it is some years later that the sculpture takes its persent almost exclusive place in my ceramic production.
Sculpture, which was previously a difficult, and even painful activity for me, becomes spontaneously easy when I discovered the living models among the ACDA association (Atelier pour la Création et le Développement Artistique).
The models, chosen with extreme care for their ability to give much more than their bodies to see, nearly always in movement or dancing animated (anima = soul) by Claude Blanc-Brude (painter and artistic director of the association), insufflate a part of their breath, of their life and energy in the clay, ... and the sculpture becomes alive, and doing it becomes sensual pleasure.
My sensitivity and mysurroundings lead progressively my inspiration towards more freedom in the way I see the bodies, towards abstraction.
I spend most of my time drafting, shaping, sculpting and firing in my workshop, harbour of quietness, near Saint Julien (hamlet of Le Grand Serre, close to Hauterives and its famous "Facteur Cheval's Palace, 100 km south from Lyons).
In November 2011, Claude feels that my work is mature enough to show it and offers me my first personal exhibition at the Borel Castle at Saint Egrève (Isère).
In 2012, I am ready to let my sculptures quit my workshop forever, I participate in the Artisa fair 2012 at Grenoble (Isère).
In 2013, after years of intensive production, which enable me to fell confident in the technical and artisitic choices, I go to Paris to show my work.
I participate in the Art Shopping fair, at the Carrousel of the Louvre in June 2013.
The very pleasant welcome which is given to me finishes to sweep my provincial complexes, and gives me possibilities to exhibit in several galleries in Paris.
On Spetember 10th, I win the 1st prize of scultpure at the Grand Prix d'Argenson 2013 (organised by the EverArts Gallery - Paris 8ème).
On november 2nd 2013, during the "Art et Spendeur de Chine" event at the Carrousel of the Louvre, I participate in a contest organised around the living model "Paris Black" (Male Top Model 2013 in Toronto) and win the Silver Medal of Sculpture.